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Mom always said …

Many of us live our lives according to advice we receive from the women who play an important role in our lives, whether a mom, a step-mom, a grandma or an aunty. For Mary, it was her mom and namesake, who provided the guiding principles that continue to shape her life today. Below is an excerpt from a story about her mother, focusing on a list of advice she passed down to Mary over the years.

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An Excerpt from 'What was your Mom like when you were a child?', by Mary Z.

Mom taught and guided each one of us to be the best that we could be. She taught me the importance of helping others and doing what is right. She taught me that a good deed should be done quietly, without expecting recognition for it.

In no order, some of the principles she instilled in me are:

• Be considerate.
• Love others.
• God is real, but there are many paths to God.
• Say your prayers
• Be honest and truthful.
• Work hard.
• Don’t procrastinate.
• Be careful what you say and do, there are things you can not take back.
• A reputation is a bad thing to lose.
• The cutest boys are not always the best.
• Always treat people with respect and dignity.
• Angels are near, so are ghosts and spirit guides.
• Sharing a warm fire with friends or family and a good cup of coffee is pretty close to heaven.
• Beauty fades, better have plan B.
• Never depend on someone else financially.
• Always have a touch of yellow in a room.
• Lamp light is much prettier than an overhead light.
• If a boy is not good enough for you to consider marrying, then don’t date him.
• Let boys win sometimes.
• Save your tears for the big stuff. If you cry too much, no one will notice.
• A smile goes a long way.
• You should forgive others, but don’t forget either.
• Plastic flowers are ugly.
• Family is everything.
• Moisturize every night.
• Imagine that your problems are files. Before you sleep, imagine that you are placing your files into the filing cabinet, and that you will get back to them in the morning, one file at a time.
• Have a worry book and schedule a time to worry about a specific problem.
• Be aware of your dreams, as they will give you insights into your future.
• Always wear your lipstick. (Mom was known for her beautiful red lips.)
• Math is common sense.
• Some dogs are easier to love than some people.
• Take time to enjoy this life, as it will not last.

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