Memorable Summer Travels
Exotic resorts or rainy campsites, summer vacations with friends and family can be some of the most vivid and important memories we have. Those trips taught us about the world and about ourselves.
Today we share excerpts from some travel stories which we loved, taken from real Storyworth stories.
Real Stories from the Storyworth Community
While all stories written on Storyworth are private, some customers have volunteered to share their favorites.
Special souvenirs
"We walked along the fenceline to see all of the White House. My Dad told me to reach inside the fence and grab some grass off the lawn. (Something I’m sure you can no longer do!) and put it inside one of the brochures to save." - Kathy B
Victoria & Debby
"…A Buddhist priest emerged at the gate and invited us in. He showed us his beautiful, miniature garden. He told us to listen carefully at the edge of a tiny stream. We heard the faint chime of a bell coming from the ground below the baby moss. He was delighted when we could not guess how this could be and explained that the bell chimed when drips from the stream flowed down an underground chain, ringing the bell, creating this lovely, soothing sound that I can still recall today." - Joyce H
Lifelong perspective
"It took me growing up and having children of my own to appreciate these torturous trips. They are, in reality, part of the foundation that helped me become who I am today and I wouldn’t have it any other way." - Sara C