Storyworth Celebrations FAQs

Honor a special occasion with a collection of stories from family and friends, gathered together in a beautiful book.

Row of example Storyworth books

Like Storyworth Memoirs, Celebrations help you capture stories and photos in a beautiful keepsake book. Instead of one person writing stories, Celebrations allow you to bring many people together to celebrate a person or mark a special occasion. It’s the perfect group gift for birthdays, wedding, retirements, and more. Celebrations can also be used to chronicle a child’s first year, create a family history book, or celebrate the life of someone who


Are Storyworth Celebrations free to start?

Setting up a Storyworth Celebration, collecting stories and photos, and designing your book are all free — you'll only pay for the books you order!

What's the shortest time frame possible for creating and delivering a book?

Three weeks is the minimum amount of time we recommend. This time frame includes gathering and reviewing stories, and ordering your book, plus the time it takes to print, ship, and deliver your book.

Can I change the story submission deadline?

Yes, you can chagne your targeted completion dates at any time by clicking on the "Change deadlines" button on your project page. You can update both the story submission deadline and the desired delivery date (i.e. when you'd like to have your book delivered). If you update the story submission deadline, we'll email anyone who hasn't yet submitted their story with the updated date. You can also use the "Send update" button on your project page to communicate new deadlines to everyone you've invited.


How many people can I invite to contribute?

You can invite many people as you like! Each person can add one piece of writing—a story, advice, memory, etc.—of any length, plus unlimited pictures. Just keep in mind that black and white books over 480 pages and color books over 300 pages will require a second volume.

Can I invite people by sharing a link?

Yes, you can get a shareable invitation link either when setting up your project, or by clicking on “Manage project” on your project page. When someone clicks this link, they'll be able to enter their name and email address, which will trigger an invite email. They can simply reply to this email with their story, or write it on the Storyworth website. You can specify whether you want to approve each person before they receive a project invite, or allow anyone with the link to sign up and join your project.

What's the easiest way to invite a large number of people?

If you have too many emails to input manually, or don’t know everyone’s email, you can get a sharable project link to share with the group. See the above question, ‘Can I invite people by sharing a link’ for details.

How do the prompts work? Are there multiple questions like with Storyworth Memoirs?

Celebrations project organizers typically only send one question or prompt to everyone. When you invite people to join your project, you can add a personal note specifying what type of response you're looking for. You can visit our inspiration page to help you think through questions that may work for your occasion. We highly recommend giving people a specific ask or structure for their response to make it easier for them to start writing.

One of the people I invited has not received an email from Storyworth. What should I do?

You can make sure the email for an invited person is correct by hovering over their name in the Stories list. To edit or view all people, you can click the “View” link at the top of your Stories list. There, you’ll see a list of all the people you’ve invited, and you can edit their name or email if there’s a mistake. If the email is correct, then you can ask your invited person to check their spam or junk folders. You can also click on their name in the Stories list, and then click on the reminder link in the top right to send them a new email that will be at the top of their inbox.

Can I check to make sure people have actually seen invites?

Yes, you can go to your Celebrations project page, and you’ll see the list of people you’ve invited. You’ll see “Invite not seen” next to a person’s name if they have not yet seen your invite.


How can I remind people to write?

Once someone’s been invited to your project, you can send a reminder by clicking on their name on your main project page, and then clicking the reminder link in the top right. You can also send out an update or reminder to everyone you’ve invited by clicking “Send update” at the top of your project page.

Does Storyworth send any reminders?

We’ll send out email reminders to anyone who hasn’t written a story three days after their initial invitation, and also one week and one day before stories are due.


Can I format my text?

We currently don’t support font formatting of any kind – no italics, bold, or underline.

Can I add photos side-by-side?

You would need to create a side-by-side photo collage in a separate photo editing tool. You can then upload this to your book. Generally only one or two photos fit on each page, so bear that in mind if you have a large number of photos.

How do I reorder my stories?

Go to your Celebrations project page, and click or tap on the icon on the left of each row to drag rows around and reorder.

How long do stories need to be?

Stories can be any length – just a few paragraphs or several pages. Books do need to be at least 24 pages to print.


How much does it cost?

Storyworth Celebrations are free to start. We make it simple and easy for groups of people to collaborate to create a beautiful keepsake book. We provide easy invitations, reminders to contribute, and standardized designs for all stories.

You can order books at the end of your project. The pricing for copies of your book is as follows:

  • $39: Black and white interior, up to 480 pages
  • $79: Color books, up to 300 pages
  • $99: Color books above 300 pages, up to 480 pages

What do the books look like?

The books are 6 x 9 inches, similar to what you’d find in a bookstore. The font is Merriweather, size 10. The books can include photos and can be printed either with black and white interiors or in color. We have several professionally-designed cover styles to choose from. All covers can be customized with your color choices, photo, and title.