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Our questions

We have several hundred questions you can choose from, and you can also write your own. Below are some of the questions from our library, simply refresh the page to see more!

What was your childhood bedroom like?
Did you work while you were in graduate school?
Tell me about one of the best days you can remember.
What is one of your greatest fears?
Tell me about a song that brings back an interesting memory from your youth.
If this was to be your very last conversation, what words of wisdom would you want to pass on?
What did you know about the Jewish traditions in your country of origin?
What is one of the best photographs you've ever taken?
What did you hide from your parents as a child?
What are your favorite recipes, either to cook or to eat?
What was your Dad like when you were a child?
What are your favorite Thanksgiving recipes, either to cook or to eat?
Did you have a favorite planet as a child?
What are some choices you made about how to raise me?
Can you sing your favorite lullaby?
What is one of your go-to stories, one you like telling over and over?
What are your favorite possessions? Why?
Did you ever take any great road trips?
What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?
Do you know what your first words were?

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