Our questions
We have several hundred questions you can choose from, and you can also write your own. Below are some of the questions from our library, simply refresh the page to see more!
What is your earliest memory?
What is one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?
What famous people have you met and how did you meet them?
Tell me about the first time you got a cellphone.
What is the most scared you've ever been?
Have you ever had to stand up for your principles? What was the outcome?
What is your earliest childhood memory in your country of origin?
Tell me about a great moment you had while playing sports.
Do you remember your first Passover? What did it mean to you as a child?
Do you have any notable ancestors?
What are your favorite animals, and why?
If you could do it over, would you join the military?
What is one of your favorite memories with your Valentine?
How did our family experience WWII?
What store did you love to go to as a child?
What is some of the best advice your mother ever gave you?
Who were your favorite professors in college?
Did you have any rules that you set for yourself as a parent which you almost immediately broke?
What would you consider your motto?
What things from home did you miss the most while you were serving in the military?