Our questions
We have several hundred questions you can choose from, and you can also write your own. Below are some of the questions from our library, simply refresh the page to see more!
How have your political opinions changed over time?
Have you ever experienced a severe storm?
If you could have as much money as you wanted, what would you do with it?
Did you have a car in high school?
What Jewish traditions do you keep now that you live in the United States?
Were you able to keep in touch with your family while you were serving in the military?
Did you have enough money growing up?
After you entered the military, what were your first thoughts upon arriving at your station and meeting your fellow soldiers?
What are some of the most memorable Christmas presents you've given or received?
What were your favorite courses in college?
How would you describe your politics?
How did you learn that you were Jewish? What did that mean to you?
Did you work while you were in college?
What do you admire most about your mother?
How did you decide when to have children?
What photograph do you most regret not taking when you had the opportunity?
Did you have any rules that you set for yourself as a parent which you almost immediately broke?
What is one of your favorite children's stories?
Are you still friends with any of your friends from college?