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Our questions

We have several hundred questions you can choose from, and you can also write your own. Below are some of the questions from our library, simply refresh the page to see more!

What are your favorite recipes, either to cook or to eat?
If you could wake up tomorrow with one superpower, what would it be and why?
How did your family celebrate the 4th of July when you were a child?
What are some of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
What do you admire most about your mother?
What do you want to say to your Valentine?
What are some of your pet peeves?
Do you have any regrets?
What's one thing you wish you'd known before becoming a parent?
Tell the story of how you knew you were in love with your Valentine.
Do you have any Irish roots? How have they shaped your identity?
What did you look forward to the most as a child?
What was an unusual compliment you once received, but really appreciated?
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Who was your advisor in graduate school? What were they like?
How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?
What was one of the most difficult things to overcome from your childhood? How did you do it?
What do you like least about your siblings?
Did you have a favorite teacher in middle school? What made them great?

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