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How to create a family history book

At Storyworth, we believe every person and every family has a story worth sharing. That’s why we created Storyworth Celebrations! Like Storyworth Memoirs, Celebrations help you collect and preserve your most meaningful stories in a keepsake book. Instead of telling the story of one life, Celebrations allow your whole family to share memories, pictures, and more to create a family memory book. Our beautifully designed hardcover books are designed to last, so your family’s stories and photos can be shared and enjoyed for generations to come no matter which you choose.

What is a family memory book?

A family memory book brings everyone together to share stories, photos, advice, genealogy, recipes, and anything else that tells your family’s story. When you create a family memory book, you’re leaving a legacy for generations to come. 

How to create a family memory book with Storyworth Celebrations

Celebrations are free to start! Our simple onboarding walks you through the process of setting up your family memory project in minutes. Name your project, set a rough timeline for the book’s completion, and invite family members to contribute stories and photos. You always also invite more people and send updates at any time. 

How and what you’d like your family members to contribute is up to you, but here are a few ways to get started.

Give everyone their own chapter

One way to create a family memory book with Celebrations is to give every family member their own chapter in the book. They can write as little or as much as they want and add photos to bring their stories to life.

Step 1: Invite your family members

After setting up your family memory project with Celebrations, send an invite to all the family members you’d like to contribute stories and photos. You can leave the invite open-ended or ask for something more specific like, “Share your memories about growing up in our family.” 

With this setup, each family member will have their own chapter in your family memory book to share their memories, stories, and advice. 

Step 2: Organize and order your books

Once everyone has written their chapter and added their photos, you can make edits and arrange them in the order you like. Don’t forget to choose a photo and title for the cover of your family’s book! When you’re happy with your book’s design and layout, you can order copies for everyone in the family.

Have everyone share memories about specific topics 

Instead of creating one chapter for each family member, you can also create chapters related to specific questions or prompts and have each member contribute a response. This way, each chapter will contain stories and photos from multiple family members. 

Step 1: Start with a few chapter titles

What questions or topics to do you want your family to cover in your family memory book? Start by adding a few chapter titles related to the stories you’d like to collect. For instance, “What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?” or “What’s your favorite meal or recipe?" You, or your family members can always add new titles at any time before printing.

Tip: See our full list of chapter title suggestions at the bottom of this post.

On the main project page (by Stories) click ADD A STORY

On your story page, click the pencil icon by the title to update with your own chapter title. 

Step 2: Add your family as co-organizers

Co-organizers can view and edit your Celebration product. They can write stories and add photos to each chapter, add new chapter titles, and invite more people to contribute. 

Tip: have all their email addresses ready before you start!

On the main project page (by Stories) click INVITE then select CO-ORGANIZER


Add everyone’s name and email address, then click ADD

This will send everyone an email with instructions and give them access to the Celebrations dashboard.

Step 3: Start sharing stories!

Now that everyone is a co-organizer the whole family can all start sharing stories and photos. 

They can add new chapters or add stories to existing chapters at any time, but we recommend sending out one chapter prompt per week (or month) to break the process up into bite-sized pieces. 

On the main project page (by Stories), click SEND UPDATE and craft a message to your family.

Step 4: Organize and order your books

Once everyone has contributed to the questions they want to answer and you’re happy with the design and layout of your book, you can order copies for everyone in the family!

Start your family memory book

When you create a family memory book with Celebrations, you aren’t just preserving the history you already know; you’ll be reading stories you’ve never heard and growing closer along the way. 

Start your Storyworth Celebrations family memory book today!

Examples chapter titles

The sky is the limit when it comes to how to structure your family memory book but here are some prompts you can use to get started and spark your imagination.


What was your mom like growing up?

What was your dad like growing up?

What were your grandparents like growing up?

What is the best advice your father ever gave you?

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?

What do you like most about your siblings?

How has your relationship with your siblings changed over the years?

Share your favorite recipes or meals


Share your favorite baby stories

What nicknames did you have growing up?

What was your hometown like when you were growing?

What are your favorite childhood memories?

What are your most memorable family vacations

Who were your friends growing up?

What were your favorite school subjects?

Life experiences

What was your biggest milestone birthday?

What’s your favorite home you’ve lived in?

What was your first job?

What was your favorite job?
Who are your role models?

What’s your best relationship advice

How did you know you’d marry your spouse?

What was it like to become a parent?

What’s your best parenting advice?

About Storyworth

Learn more or get started telling your story today.
